Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I haven't posted in awhile, so here I sit at 11:20 pm blogging. I keep thinking I need to do this, and never get around to it. So, here we go. These next 3 pictures have no blog entry really to go with them....I just think they are funny and cute.

Madi got to lick the spoons after I made GREEN Rice Krispie treats for mutual.

I thought this was a good picture of Bailey just enjoying her Easter basket.

Kylie came out of her bedroom the other day with this get-up on. She said she was a super hero! She put her toast colored dance tights on over her leotard, and then put these pink underwear on over the top of them. I thought it was hilarious and she thought it was ingenious.

This is the pic to my Easter morning post that never with it....ha ha.
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1 comment:

Nicole said...

fun - cute pic's of your girls!