Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fish Frenzy

Can you tell I'm loving the collage feature from Picasa? I just figured out how to use it!! I'm sure most of you are thinking it's about time, but, I'm on a learning curve here!! Last week was spring break so the kids had a full week off of school. We've been telling them we would take them fishing forever. So, we took them up to Dierkes lake. Jon rigged up Madi's princess pole with a fake worm and threw it out in the lake. It wasn't in the water for 10 seconds and he had a fish on the line!!! He let Madi real it in. (picture of the two of them on bottom) We fished for about two more hours without even a bite!! I was mentally preparing myself for the LONGEST day of fishing ever when Jon said, "Oh.....my.....gosh! Do you know what that truck is over there???" Me, "duh, No!" Jon, "It's a fish and game stock truck." Can you believe it?? Fish and game came and dumped 3000 planter fish in the lake while we were there with the kids! We put spinners on all the poles and after about 20 minutes (we had to let the shock wear off the fish) I caught a fish. After that we couldn't keep the lines in the water long enough!! The kids were fishing by themselves with their own poles.....this usually doesn't happen because we have to help everyone out and watch so if they get a bite we can help secure it on the hook. We caught about 80 fish (catch and release)!! We stunk terrible but we had so much fun!! All of Jon's buddies at work said that he ruined his kids for life because they'll never have such a good fishing day again!! I told him he ruined his wife too, because I think fishing is terribly boring if you're not catching anything. But, this was a fun day and we'll probably remember it often as we're sitting on the rocks waiting for hours for the next fish to bite!!
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Sew, sew, sew.......

SEW.....I found this cute pattern over at the quilt shop in Rupert. I thought they would make cute "church" bags for the girls. Sew I made these for them for Christmas. Except, they didn't get them "finished" for Christmas. On Christmas Eve I only had two seams left on these cute things sew I borrowed a serger from a woman in my ward..........and broke it. ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! I gave the girls the bags literally pinned together. How sad :0( I fixed the machine awhile ago, but I've been kind-of afraid of it. (It cost $50 to fix and I didn't want to break it again.) This weekend I finally pulled it back out and finished the three bags!! AND, I made another one for the ward auction. (the one in the center) I love this pattern though and thought everyone might like seeing them actually sewn together. They are a little time consuming to put together but I don't care because the are SEW adorable. Hope you enjoy them!!

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